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Never coming back from the grave!

Once a battery is part of a land fill it is never coming back and the precious materials are lost for all time.

ToolBattery have recycled your battery case and returned a better than new battery. And you are covered by our we really want to know about any cells going wrong to further iterate production warranty.

What happens to the stuff ToolBattery pull out, where do the cell go? Does it still just end up in landfill?

Used cells that have been tested and prove worthy go into our loosei (lucy) box. We never use these cells to rebuild battery packs as battery packs need to have cells of equal power output and life expectancy to ensure stability. They are however, perfectly good batteries for items such as a torch. ToolBattery will be actively looking for interesting products that utilize a loosei that will be used as promotes to you our much appreciated customers.

ToolBattery don't crush old cell and extract minerals, our business is keeping our customers energized and enabled. We do end up with a lot of dead batteries each month. It presents a safety issue akin to putting fireworks under your bed.

Do you feel that twinge of guilt when you discard a battery cell in the trash? ToolBattery acts with considered ethics, respect for the environment and an understanding of the value of recycling. Of course we aren't going to send your used cells to landfill. 

Toolbattery work with recyclers who extract 95% of the mineral content of dead cell here in Australia. Your batteries go around and around, they don't go back underground.

in Blog
Charge it!
And have no regrets