A "university" all about batteries and it's online and free. Mark and Yani did the course, not so much in the hope of gaining new insights into battery repairs, rather to be able to better explain to clients how to get the most life from your new battery packs.
It all started with a comment from Mark, "if you keep your batteries from falling below 70% charge they will last longer". "Yeah right, never seen that written anywhere, got a reference!" Later that night Yani thinks "that's bullshit, I'll find a reference". And bugger me Google found us Battery University
A week of course work and a book later, it's battery university that we use to qualify what we tell clients. While we definitely consume learning materials from other sources, Battery University is our Wikipedia we use to keep information current and consistent.
Battery University is the work of Isodor Buchmann. As boy he lived in Switzerland on a farm and had a keen interest in radio. He was last employed by GE before established his own business, Cadex, in 1981. Cadex sponsor Battery University. Applause go to Isodor for providing an extensive resource of quality information without fees.
ToolBattery will be following the same principles as Isodor Puchmann, the Open Source community, the YouTube crowd and backing our corture business with assistance and ideas that inspire people to create new ways to do surprising things.